2nd Chapter of Acts - I've Got a Break in my Heart

Love comes and it goes
Never stays inside me
Where it can grow
'Cause I've got a break in my heart
If you could sing a broken hearted song
You know that I'd sing along
'Cause I've got a break In my heart

And everything I try to do
Just falls along the wayside
It turns to dust
It never blooms it never lives
It only dies

Where is the mender of broken dreams
Has he given up on me
'Cause I've got a break in my heart
Who can sing a song of love
And make it stay inside of me
'Cause I've got a break in my heart

And everything I try to do
Just falls along the wayside
It turns to dust
It never blooms it never lives
It only dies

Love sang me this song
Now he flows forever through every song
'Cause I've got a break in my heart
Love is the mender of broken dreams
Now he's able to live through me
'Cause I've got a break in my heart

Now everything I try to do
Just turn to hope when you sing through
The song is love it never hides
It always lives - it never dies

Love comes and it goes